Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Out for Drinks and Other Bits

In the past three weeks I have gone out with the guys and really had a good time.... A few drinks hear and there... Not much talking and introduction with the ladies but lots of dancing .. Message to self - Bring along a date... lol....

Without meaning too, I have gotten myself into some serious but funny incidents.... I can't help it that I go out to enjoy myself and end up having a bit too much of a good time... Mind you it's not about too much alcohol or such likes but more of bringing things to light.... that were meant to be hidden..

On my last outing, One of my guy's girl took too much of a liking to me which presented a problem .. Honestly I was just enjoying myself and she wanted more beyond the dance which everyone saw but me... 

I believe that as I get older that I find myself willing to let go and just enjoy life....... By the way for whatever reason my dancing ability has improved thanks to alcohol....... 

Sometimes I think its all a matter of just being oneself and embracing what life brings
House Construction

The building oft he addition is going quite well... Today the steps were to be constructed but it is raining heavily n the outside. What started out as a simple project has escalsted to something new and different..

I have this space that I am turning into my own dream space... I wish I had additional to start from the ground up but I have much to be proud of... I started on my own with my own money and here I am

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