Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Being me ... Learning Again

At each time I keep allowing my heart to go back to you and I cry so much when I go back to you.

I go back to you and it brings me so much pain... Pain because of all that I have done and all that I wish you would allow me to do...

It scares me that I am so weak and so broken because of my love for you... Why do I allow my heart to beg you? Why do I allow my heart to be beaten to be trampled to be hurt and pained by my belief? 

I am the one who keeps trying... I try.. I do and you never say no... You accept so willingly... Yet You never say no... You never stop me... You give me no hope... You give me no rope... You never tell me to wait or to stop.... 

But I do and keep doing because of love.... Fuck Love but I am stuck in LOVE... My heart needs to let go where there isn't hope..................

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