Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I saw Whitney yesterday while at the dentist office. I looked directly at her but for a moment. There she was, led by the female prison guard, in handcuffs. In that little moment I saw a woman's face .... of shame... of lost... of despair. She was quiet .. Her face made no expression.. the veil of stoic was present.....

She didn't look at me but for that one moment. Perhaps only by chance was I to have seen her ....... I remember with fondness her unwillingness to let go of a relationship that existed purely in her own mind... A fantasy that I so long for her to grow out of... 

As I sat waiting, my thoughts went to her troubles, I ask myself what could have landed her in prison. Was it the drug use? Was it her failure to stop terrorizing her "then lovers" imagined or real? Had she gotten into a fight? I thought is it possible that she had killed someone..yet I didn't want to think of such a possibility....

Her silence continued even as I left the office....I thought to say hello but my uncertainty of her respond made me leave in silence.. Would she have responded in her usual manner of vulgarity or would a changed person have emerged? I would never know....

For all its worth I do hope her life turns .........................

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