Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Just a simple phone call... Yet I found myself playing the role of revealer . How did I end up in this position? ... I didn't want to .. I tried to skip the poignant questions... tried very hard to remain neutral but all in all I figure she had already known.. I was just the confirmation that was needed.

Of course I was upset, I felt as though you had placed me knowingly in the lion's den. I had no idea. This was never part of the plan.

I ask myself many days after, How do we keep from accidentally outing others? This has always been a bit  of a slippery slope. Slippery because circumstances and situation can cause an "out" person to deny themselves or play a "role" that makes for levels of discomfort to the closet case..... making sacrifices for the "greater good". 

Hmmh...really? How many times have I heard that before.. Fear of revealing the true self... The person behind the mask... It is what it is....I don't get it but who am I to stand in judgement..

How strikingly funny? Yes funny indeed.. Often the ones who are closeted or pretend to be "straight" are considered to be "so gay" by those they seek to hide from. Their entire demeanour shouts to the world that "I am GAY" yet they themeselves are blinded.. Their "friends".... their "associates" .... all shout queer to the world..... 

Yet the closet case continues to be indifferent. Perhaps not really blinded but only ignoring the obvious.. Who really knows?

Don't get me wrong..straights have gay friends also but when your entire circle screams gay...well..need I say more... that answers itself...

I am still wondering... How do can I provide such a cover without denying me?.. I suppose their are no real answers....

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