Thursday, December 16, 2010

Porn & The Other

Face it people, Porn exist and is not going away soon. It is what we have "all" enjoyed at one time or another. It is the guilty pleasure that provides comfort in the most needed hours.  It's fun and enlightening. 

I often doubt when persons state they have never looked at porn even for a second, granted I may need to be a bit more trusting. Perhaps in our world, such persons do exist... maybe a few. Yeah ..well. Bible Thumpers, hold your horses and your breathe on this on. Don't even get me started....

This begs the question- why do couples, especially the women (not meaning to sound sexist) have such an issue with their partners desires to watch porn? I don't get that. I watch porn and there is no issue. I don't have the expectation that any partner would be as acrobatic or as flexible as the females I see. Neither do I have the expectations that the scenarios played out in porn will be a central part of my sex life. I am a realist and I hardly live in fantasy land.

It is the escape that is needed to retain our sanity, a most welcome event. The "moralist" in society have continued their placement of shaming  porn which I never understood. How is it any of their business the choices of an adult? Granted, indoctrination does claim victims. I, even as an adult fell victim  to the doctrines and hid the fact that I looked at porn until I owned it. That owning gave me freedom. 

Porn like any other commodity is a business, and one of the largest money earner in the world, bringing in the Billions $$$$. It can never be argued that only the "Immoral" amongst us are watching. Who then are the extra people that keep looking? The pastor? The Teacher? The politicians? Kids? (Hope not) Just a thought.

The anger! The frustration! The fights that arise. If a partner doesn't like viewing porn, that's on them and must be respected. But please don't level your displeasure at those that do. Maybe viewers may need to be a bit more considerate. Yet don't burden us with your insecurities. I don't know, perhaps placing a blanket over the TV and oneself can help : ) .... oh and don't forget to lower the volume... such foolishness in your private time...

Hear me out..... A  compromise must be made with ones partner. I pretend I don't look at porn and you pretend that you don't  know I look at porn. How does that sound? Confusing...Whatever works.....

A beautiful woman, no matter how "slutty" catches the naked eyes. A woman into a woman,, always wants a woman coated in everything and anything nice and womanly. There are few among us who want to date and marry a porn star. So lovers... partners..... and haters relax...

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